Crystal Healing is an alternative and holistic therapy that works with your energy. Crystals are a natural semi-precious rocks that are said to have the ability to balance, release and redirect energy.
What is crystal healing and how our sessions work?
Crystals have the ability to hold and release energy, placing them on specific parts of the body is thought to promote healing on an emotional, pysical and spritual level. Chakras are energy points in the body that run from the top of your head to the bottom of your spine, each chakra links the emotional and the pysical body together. In this 1 hour long , one to one session I will be working with seven of your chakras and seven crystals. The aim is to balance each chakras energy.
Whilst you lay, relax and listen to soothing sounds your charkas will be covered with a varaity of crystals. Reiki healing and intuition will guide me in this session to which chakra needs the most support and balancing. Our chakras can have blockages of energy, which can have a negative impact on our physical and emotional health . Using Reiki energy and the crystals healing properties of the crystals we are able to give balance back within your chakras and energy system.
The chakras and Crystals focused on in this session are:
- Crown Chakra
- Clear Quartz- Master healing
- Third Eye Chakra
- Purple Quartz- Enhances spiritual connection
- Throat Chakra
- Blue Lace Agate- Improve communication
- Heart Chakra
- Rose Quartz- calms emotions
- Solar plexus Chakra
- Citrine- positive energy
- Sacral Chakra
- Tigers eye- Protection
- Root Chakra
- Obsidian- Grounding
Health Benefits
- Balances energy
- Balances emotions
- Gives mental clarity
- Enhances spiritual connection
- Encourages healing
Conditions Treated with Crystal Therapy
- Headaches
- Stomach, liver and throat issues
- Anxiety/panic disorder
- Depression
- Sleep issues
A Positive And More Productive Lifestyle
Click The Button Below Now to view a short FREE presentation on promoting wellbeing in your own life
Our Pricing Structure
Our prices below are a quick guideline, for more detailed pricing please contact me directly
- Reiki Therapies
- Crystal Healing
- Guided Meditation
- Suitable for
- ALL therapies
- or a combination of 2 therapies
- Private groups of 2+
- Home visits available
- Contact for a price
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Full Range Of Treatments
Below is my full range of treatments, click for more information about each treatment